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This is the Wiki for the websites Tech 101 and We Are The Living.


Trade Diary

Wealth Builders Club Archive

Project documentation

API documentation

Auto-affiliate plugin


Libraries to consider for Node.js

  • Node Fetch: Use Fetch API instead of http module
  • Just launch: Launch a browser from the commandline or from a standalone NodeJS app using this library.
  • Smart spinner: Use a ticker-like same-line changing log, rather than a running log that scrolls across pages.
  • Hydra: A library that helps build micro-services, such that these services can discover and communicate with each other.
  • Auto cannon: Stress test a Node.js server with a huge number of requests
  • Clinic suite: Detect what's slowing down your Node.js server
  • Collect.js: Library for working with collections

Libraries to consider for DOM Javascript

Hammer.js and Hammer.js jQuery: Library to enable gestures on mobile web.

Libraries to consider for Python

  • NSE Tools: Fetches stock details from NSE India
  • NSE Python: Fetches stock details from NSE India
  • Beautiful soup: Web scraping
  • Celery: Task queue to queue tasks that need to run seperately from the main program / thread.

Tools to install on server

Online references useful for developers and devops

Online random data generators

API access keys

  • Quandl: 5XkE_xM6zWYvGFjf5LLK

Book resources

Network protocol references

Craft resources

start.1540709750.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/28 12:25 by